Although it's not always a crime, it is still distressing and needs to be dealt with. It is always advisable to speak with a parent/carer, teacher or other trusted adult or friend. Various laws prohibit it in the workplace. When it becomes criminal, the police should be informed.
Types of Bullying
Bullying can happen to anyone for a whole range of reasons. Below is a list of some of the more common reasons people might be bullied.
- Race – racism is when someone sees you as inferior because of race, colour, nationality or ethnicity. Racist bullying also includes being left out and being treated differently (this is called discrimination)
- Gender – this includes bullying people because of their gender and can specifically be targeted at people who are transgender
- Sexuality – homophobic bullying (a prejudice against people who are homosexual) is particularly common as well the bullying of people who are bisexual, pansexual, and asexual.
- Religion – this could include bullying people for their faith, their religious practices (like what they can or can’t eat or what they wear) and can often be linked to race
- Appearance – this can include body size, shape, hair type, facial features, and other physical features which don’t conform to “societal norms” (what you might see in the media)
- Disability – this can include physical disabilities, mental disabilities and other medical conditions
Bullying is never OK, regardless of the reason it is being done or who is doing it. It is not always a crime. However, it is still distressing and needs to be dealt with. It is always advisable to speak with a parent/carer, teacher or other trusted adult or friend. It is prohibited in the workplace by various laws. When it becomes criminal, the police should be informed.