Love really can be the best adventure when two people are both equally committed to each other. Finding out about each other and building a life together can not only be great fun, but also a journey of self discovery for each as individuals.
In its truest form it is not about the fuzzy feelings of happiness or attraction - those feelings come and go very quickly. True love is when you respect and care about another person more than you care about your own thoughts, feelings and needs.

Love is not just experienced in romantic relationships. It is something that we can experience with anyone, but in different ways. The way we feel about our friends, our family or even pizza can all be a type of love.
The problem in romantic relationships is sometimes their is a confusion between love and infatuation. They can seem very similar in the short term, but they are actually quite different from each other. You can read more about it here.
For many people marriage or civil partnerships will be the ultimate goal for a relationship. But how do you know when you are ready, is it still important to get married and what about arranged marriages? We have pages that answer all of those questions and more. Just click below to find out more.
You can also view our #101WaysToSayILoveYou on our Instagram @FRYPwebsite