With over two billion followers, Christianity is the world's largest religion. Deriving from Judaism, Christianity focuses on the life and message of Jesus Christ. There are many different denominations of Christianity which have varying beliefs surrounding relationships and sex. Below are some of the most common beliefs of Christians.

Gender Roles
Christians believe that humans were created in God’s image, that all humans are created unique, and that all humans should be loved and cared for equally.
Many Christians believe that men and women are completely equal in rights and authority, but some Christians believe that men have ultimate authority over women and women should submit to men.

Gender Roles
Christians believe that humans were created in God’s image, that all humans are created unique, and that all humans should be loved and cared for equally.
Many Christians believe that men and women are completely equal in rights and authority, but some Christians believe that men have ultimate authority over women and women should submit to men.

Growing Up
Some churches baptise babies, as a sign that they are part of the family of God in the church. Other churches wait until the person can make their own decision to be a Christian. Young people who grow up in the Christian faith will typically go to Sunday School, worship services in the church, youth groups, and Bible studies.
These help with learning about God through the Scriptures, worshipping God, and building community. In some churches, a child’s First Communion, often at the age of eight or nine, will be an important milestone.
In other churches, baptism as a believer will be important, usually by full immersion in water. This often happens as a teenager, but may happen later. People who were baptised as babies will be confirmed when they are old enough to choose this. This ceremony confirms the promises that were made on their behalf at their infant baptism.
Growing Up
Some churches baptise babies, as a sign that they are part of the family of God in the church. Other churches wait until the person can make their own decision to be a Christian. Young people who grow up in the Christian faith will typically go to Sunday School, worship services in the church, youth groups, and Bible studies.
These help with learning about God through the Scriptures, worshiping God, and building community. In some churches, a child’s First Communion, often at the age of eight or nine, will be an important milestone.
In other churches baptism as a believer will be important, usually by full immersion in water. This often happens as a teenager, but may happen later. People who were baptised as babies will be confirmed when they are old enough to choose this. This ceremony confirms the promises that were made on their behalf at their infant baptism.

Marriage is seen as a lifelong commitment by one man and one woman, and a sacred gift from God. A couple’s love for each other is considered to be a mirror of God’s love in their life.

Marriage is seen as a lifelong commitment by one man and one woman, and a sacred gift from God. A couple’s love for each other is considered to be a mirror of God’s love in their life.

Sex is viewed to be a beautiful thing that God has given to people as a way of expressing their love for each other, and for reproduction.
It is something to be treasured and valued, not taken lightly, and should be practised only within the boundaries of marriage. Because of this, Christians traditionally view sex outside of marriage as a sin.
For Christians and Jews the religious texts are silent on the subject. Some refer to the story of Onan, who ‘spilled his seed on the ground’ Gen 38v9, but this is referring to withdrawal as a form of contraception, not masturbation (By the way, taking a penis out before ejaculation is not a form of contraception. There is something called precum, that may have delivered around 80,000 sperm into the vagina already. Be prepared for babies, if you try this—it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg).
Sex is viewed to be a beautiful thing that God has given to people as a way of expressing their love for each other, and for reproduction.
It is something to be treasured and valued, not taken lightly, and should be practised only within the boundaries of marriage. Because of this, Christians traditionally view sex outside of marriage as a sin.
For Christians and Jews the religious texts are silent on the subject. Some refer to the story of Onan, who ‘spilled his seed on the ground’ Gen 38v9, but this is referring to withdrawal as a form of contraception, not masturbation (By the way, taking a penis out before ejaculation is not a form of contraception. There is something called precum, that may have delivered around 80,000 sperm into the vagina already. Be prepared for babies, if you try this—it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg).

For many Christians, any and all kinds of contraception are acceptable to use. For some, preventative contraception is the only acceptable form of contraception.
These Christians believe that life begins at conception, so methods that stop a fertilized egg implanting in the womb are seen as terminating a life.
Other Christians reject all forms of contraception except natural family planning, on the basis that life is God’s gift, and that humans have no right to prevent a new life from being brought into this world.

For many Christians, any and all kinds of contraception are acceptable to use. For some, preventative contraception is the only acceptable form of contraception.
These Christians believe that life begins at conception, so methods that stop a fertilized egg implanting in the womb are seen as terminating a life.
Other Christians reject all forms of contraception except natural family planning, on the basis that life is God’s gift, and that humans have no right to prevent a new life from being brought into this world.

Termination of Pregnancy
Christians recognise the emotional stress caused by an unwanted pregnancy, and some uphold a woman’s right to informed choice.
Most Christians, in coming to a moral decision would raise questions such as: When does human life, made in God’s image, begin? Is there a risk judgement to be made in respect of the life of a mother and/or child? Is a pre-diagnosed foetal disability so severe that viability would be compromised? What are the implications/consequences following rape?
Core values that underpin Christian beliefs include love, respect, fulfilment, justice, forgiveness, reconciliation, integrity, hope and trust.
Church of England
The Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and recognises that each individual will have differing views on the subject. However, the Church's governing body, The General Synod, has passed resolutions which provide a coherent Church of England position. The Church of England combines strong opposition to abortion with a recognition that there can be - strictly limited - conditions under which it may be morally preferable to any available alternative.
Roman Catholic
The Roman Catholic Church says that deliberately causing an abortion is a grave moral wrong. It bases this doctrine on natural law and on the written word of God. The Catholic Church says that human life begins when the woman's egg is fertilised by a male sperm. From that moment a unique life begins, independent of the life of the mother and father. The features that distinguish us from our parents - the colour of our eyes, the shape of our face - are all laid down in the genetic code that comes into existence then. Each new life that begins at this point is not a potential human being but a human being with potential.
Pro-life groups
The strong stance taken by the Roman Catholic Church has underpinned many of the pro-life groups which have been formed to challenge the legalisation of abortion. The Church itself has played a major part in the politics of the abortion debate throughout the world.
Termination of Pregnancy
Christians recognise the emotional stress caused by an unwanted pregnancy, and some uphold a woman’s right to informed choice.
Most Christians, in coming to a moral decision would raise questions such as: When does human life, made in God’s image, begin? Is there a risk judgement to be made in respect of the life of a mother and/or child? Is a pre-diagnosed foetal disability so severe that viability would be compromised? What are the implications/consequences following rape?
Core values that underpin Christian beliefs include love, respect, fulfilment, justice, forgiveness, reconciliation, integrity, hope and trust.
Church of England
The Church of England encourages people to think through the issue of abortion very carefully and recognises that each individual will have differing views on the subject. However, the Church's governing body, The General Synod, has passed resolutions which provide a coherent Church of England position. The Church of England combines strong opposition to abortion with a recognition that there can be - strictly limited - conditions under which it may be morally preferable to any available alternative.
Roman Catholic
The Roman Catholic Church says that deliberately causing an abortion is a grave moral wrong. It bases this doctrine on natural law and on the written word of God. The Catholic Church says that human life begins when the woman's egg is fertilised by a male sperm. From that moment a unique life begins, independent of the life of the mother and father. The features that distinguish us from our parents - the colour of our eyes, the shape of our face - are all laid down in the genetic code that comes into existence then. Each new life that begins at this point is not a potential human being but a human being with potential.
Pro-life groups
The strong stance taken by the Roman Catholic Church has underpinned many of the pro-life groups which have been formed to challenge the legalisation of abortion. The Church itself has played a major part in the politics of the abortion debate throughout the world.

For more traditional denominations, divorce is only granted in cases of adultery—when someone who is married has sex with someone who is not his or her spouse. Other Christians, however, recognize that divorce can be the only way forward in other situations too.[
Some churches will not conduct a marriage service when one of the partners is divorced, but others do.

For more traditional denominations, divorce is only granted in cases of adultery—when someone who is married has sex with someone who is not his or her spouse. Other Christians, however, recognize that divorce can be the only way forward in other situations too.[
Some churches will not conduct a marriage service when one of the partners is divorced, but others do.

Within Christianity, there are opposing views about homosexuality. Some Christians accept the reality of diversity in sexual orientation, but feel that homosexuals, like unmarried heterosexuals, should remain celibate (i.e. never have sex).
Other Christians affirm that it is good for homosexuals to express their sexuality through lifelong committed relationships. Still other Christians are entirely against homosexuality.
Within Christianity, there are opposing views about homosexuality. Some Christians accept the reality of diversity in sexual orientation, but feel that homosexuals, like unmarried heterosexuals, should remain celibate (i.e. never have sex).
Other Christians affirm that it is good for homosexuals to express their sexuality through lifelong committed relationships. Still other Christians are entirely against homosexuality.