Did you know that there is no-one like you in the whole world? Even if you have an identical twin, your iris pattern and fingerprints will be different. You are unique and special. Personality, upbringing, culture, religion, sexuality, life experience and physical body are all part of who you are.

Body Image
How do you see yourself? Is how you look important? How do you deal with the world telling you how to be?

Media Pressure
Media is all around us. It is our films, T.V, it is on the internet and on adverts which we see every day. Media is almost impossible to avoid. With media everywhere how does it effect you?

Eating Disorders
From anorexia to bulimia, eating disorders are more common than you might think. Find out more about them and the help you can get.

Girls and Puberty
Periods, boobs, crushes... puberty can be a confusing time for everyone. We are here to help make it a little easier.

Boys and Puberty
Squeeky voice, wet dreams, body hair... puberty can be a confusing time for everyone. We are here to help make it a little easier

Masturbation is one of those topics which people don't want to talk about but most people have tried. We want to help you find your own answers to whether or not it is ok.